The three-day events in Bucharest were completed in absolute success.
It was an excellent three days in Bucharest, along with my very dear friend, ambassador Theodoros Theodorou. Guests from the Romanian Parliament at the Southeastern European Gathering, held on May 27th at the parliament’s premises on « Leadership in politics, Education and Diplomacy. Toward a Sustainable Peace in Society». After some time, many good friends from the Balkans and beyond have reunited.
There were also two other very important events in Bucharest. The one in the garden of Loft Diplomat Restaurant, at Spring Gala Event 2022, organized by the Greek-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, of which our company “Egna Law Firm Navridis & Associates” has been a member for many years and has been a sponsor of the event.
The event was honored by the presence of the Ambassador of Greece to Romania, Mrs. Sophia Grammata, as well as by the presence of Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for Greeks Abroad, Mr. Ioannis Chrysoulakis.
Many members of the Chamber, Greek businessmen operating in Romania, attended. It was a meeting we all enjoyed after the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic.
The third event was in the emblematic building of the Greek Embassy, where a great Greek businesswoman with a very important contribution, was nominated by our ambassador Mrs. Sofia Grammata.
It was an amazing event in every aspect, in the presence of Mr. Chrysoulakis, the President of the Chamber Mr. Chr. Seferis, the great Hellenistic professor Mr. Tudor Dinu, the MP and President of the Union of Greeks of Romania Mr. Dragos Gabriel Zisopol and many other important personalities.
The children of the Greek school in Bucharest who sang with the great Evanthia Reboutsia who accompanied them with her masterful playing on the violin, moved everyone.
The event ended with the Hymn to the Greek Diaspora in lyrics written by Lina Nikolakopoulou, who was present and was greeted, and music by Evanthia Reboutsika. It was an event that we will remember for years. It was so moving that Lina Nikolakopoulou and Mr. Chrysoulakis stood up and sang!