The granting of “Professor Klimis Navridis” Scholarships at the University of Bucharest, takes place this year by two installments.
On the 2nd of October, the granting of the scholarships of the department “Modern Greek Language” took place at the great hall of “University of Bucharest’s” library.
As in previous years, we are also this year sponsoring scholarships to three excellent students of this department. Unfortunately, Mr. Navridis couldn’t be present himself, but he was represented by Mrs. Ioana Zota who is responsible of our office in Bucharest. In her short speech, Mrs. Zota, sent to the scholars the greetings and wishes of Mr. Navridis for progress and more distinctions.
The Greek Ambassador of Rumania, Mrs. Evaggelia Grammatika and also the President of Greek-Romanic Chamber of Commerce Mr. Vasilis Stavrou, also honored the ceremony with their presence.
Mr. Navridis, while being in Bucharest one week later and wanting to comply with the custom, on the 10th of October, he visited the Professor Mr. Tudor Dinu at the University and handed him, on behalf of our three scholars, a collection of poems by Konstantinos Kavafis, which the Professor took over to administer to them.